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Calculations on our website serve only as a guideline or as an explanation to your personal circumstances. To be of any use to you they must be confirmed by Mpumelelo Services. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of these calculations. Any information available on this website does not constitute advice as defined in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002. It is your responsibility to get professional advice to determine whether any information taken from this website will suit your personal circumstances. We are not legally responsible, in any way, for damages you may experience from using our website. This includes, but is not limited to, any direct,
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We are committed to always providing excellent service. However, we are not responsible for interrupted, delayed, or failed transmission, storage, or delivery of information due to a power failure, natural disaster, fire, labour unrest or any other cause beyond our control. We have, in good faith, provided links that appear useful to all users of our website. This does not mean, however, that we support these websites or endorse the products and/or services offered on them. We accept no responsibility for the content or use of such websites, or the information contained on them. Unless stated differently, all content on this website remains the intellectual property right of Mpumelelo Services. This means that you are not allowed to use the content contained in web pages, electronic or written publications or any other media and/or words, phrases, names, designs, or logos that are Mpumelelo Services trademarks without the expressed written permission of Mpumelelo Services. All information available on this website including information on products and services, and their terms and conditions, is subject to change without notice. This website is governed by South African legislation, and it is subject to the jurisdiction of South African courts. Foreign legislation is applicable where expressly indicated.
Head Office
02 Ncondo Place, Ridgeside Drive
Umhlanga Ridge
Contact Info
0860 007 280
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